-- Beyond Software Architecture: Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions
by Luke Hohmann (Addison-Wesley, 2003)
-- Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit by Mary Poppendieck and
Tom Poppendieck (Addison-Wesley, 2003)
-- Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects by Tom DeMarco
and Timothy Lister (Dorset House, 2003)(�廪��ѧ�����缴�������뱾)
-- About Face 2.0 by Alan Cooper and Robert Reimann (Wiley, 2003)
-- Agile Database Techniques: Effective Strategies for the Agile Software
Developer by Scott Ambler (Wiley, 2003)
-- Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns and Plug-Ins by Erich
Gamma and Kent Beck (Addison-Wesley, 2003)
-- Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide by David Astels (Prentice
Hall, 2003)

-- Borland Together Edition for Eclipse 6.1 (Borland Software)
-- Embarcadero ER/Studio 6.0 (Embarcadero Technologies)
-- Rational Rose XDE Developer Plus (IBM Rational)
-- MindManager X5 Pro (Mindjet)
-- System Architect 9.1 (Popkin Software)
-- Visual Paradigm for UML (Visual Paradigm)
-- WayPointer 3.0 (Jaczone)
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