Stephen J. Mellor。OO方法学大师。
Stephen J. Mellor在获得计算机科学学位后,在CERN开始他的职业生涯,负责支持加速器控制系统。随后在Lawrence Berkeley实验室,他领导团队为多个实时应用开发控制系统。他也写过用结构化方法开发实时系统的书籍:《Structured
Development for Real-Time Systems: Essential Modeling Techniques, Vol.
Development for Real-Time Systems: Essential Modeling Techniques, Vol.
Development for Real-Time Systems: Introduction and Tools, Vol. 3》
1988年,他和Sally Shlaer合著的书《Object
Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data》出版,提出Shlaer-Mellor方法,被认为是最早的面向对象分析设计方法学。在他们之后,Coad
and Yourdon(1990), Booch(1991), Rumbaugh(1991), Wirfs-Brock(1990), Jacobson(1992)等人才提出了自己的方法。
Stephen J. Mellor近期研究领域集中在模型驱动开发,目前任Project
Technology副总裁、首席科学家,同时还是IEEE Software编委会成员。
![](mellormda.jpg) ![](melloroo.jpg) ![](melloreuml.jpg)
Translatable UML
(12:49:22)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Hello? Are you there?
(12:49:48)[*umlchina_seminar]与*StephenJMellor说:hello, professor
(12:55:38)[*umlchina_seminar]与*StephenJMellor说:professor, please speak
slow a bit )
(12:56:40)*youhongjiang与[*umlchina_seminar]说:开始了吗? )
(12:57:47)[*umlchina_seminar]与*StephenJMellor说:please tell use the slide
number--"let's go to slide number ***" )
(12:58:27)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 3
(13:00:43)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 4
(13:05:54)shiningxyy与所有人说:dear professor, there is a question:
(13:06:00)shiningxyy与所有人说:How can MDA fit to agile process or agile process
fit to MDA?
(13:06:58)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Excuse me,just to verify:you told us to
seperate the arch from the application?
(13:08:09)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:thank you:)
(13:08:42)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:return to page 4
(13:09:07)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 5
(13:12:25)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Professor, where is the analysis?
(13:13:41)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 6
(13:17:56)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 7
(13:20:11)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:project by project
(13:21:59)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:page 8
(13:33:20)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Excuse me professor,could you explain
a bit more of classical architechtures?
(13:35:51)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Thank you for your answering :)
(13:43:23)高鋒与所有人说:WHO IS PROFESSOR
(13:44:15)高鋒与VoiceOfProfessor说:Thank you!
(13:44:57)高鋒与*StephenJMellor说:how are you? professor
(13:45:20)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:i am fine, thank you
(13:45:51)高鋒与*StephenJMellor说:Can you tell me where are you come from?
(13:45:55)*wwwangzhihang与高鋒说:don't speak
(13:46:54)[*umlchina_seminar]与高鋒说:嘉宾介绍: )
(13:48:33)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:I was born in the UK, naturalised American,
presently in Australia
(13:49:08)*mh2o与所有人说:Australia ??? My friend in Australia !
(13:50:15)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:I am in Sydney
(13:50:36)VoiceOfProfessor与*mh2o说:We are now listening to the professor's
presentation, please don't chat now.Thank you!
(13:51:07)*mh2o与所有人说:I'm sorry!
(13:54:12)*mh2o与所有人说:I want to listening to the professor's presentation
now. don't chat
(13:57:06)VoiceOfProfessor与*StephenJMellor说:Dear professor, you can feel
free to arrange a break of several minutes, to have a rest.
(13:57:51)VoiceOfProfessor与*StephenJMellor说:to have a rest if you need,
we can wait for you here.
(14:01:36)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:back to 13
(14:04:20)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:back to 19
(14:20:24)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Model debugging is a vision or has been
a reality now?
(14:20:59)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:really? hehe
(14:21:45)michael_152与所有人说:i think MDA is a good idea,but when they can
get into the life of program?
(14:24:33)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Query, View, Transformations (QVT)
(14:26:28)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:inflection point
(14:29:18)michael与所有人说:i have seen some picture in page 26,what's the
(14:35:15)paul与所有人说:How to generate the class for C.
(14:35:16)*wwwangzhihang与[*umlchina_seminar]说:are there some tools for
(14:36:01)*wwwangzhihang与*StephenJMellor说:please write some
(14:36:20)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:How to apply architecture design in Agile
(14:37:45)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Can you tell me the spirit of eXtreme Modeling?
(14:39:16)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:Dear Professor, how do you look as the
Gorilla Logic's Gorilla Execution Engine?
(14:39:21)paul与*StephenJMellor说:How to generate the rule for C?
(14:40:23)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:If my team has four members and my current
project has
(14:40:37)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:four subsystems. How to assign tasks to
team members? Should I assign each
(14:40:48)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:subsystem to each member, or should I identify
all the tasks in all the four
(14:41:08)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:subsystem to each member, or should I identify
all the tasks in all
(14:41:29)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:subsystems, arrange them according to their
importance and then finish them
(14:41:36)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:one by one with peer programming?
(14:42:59)*wwwangzhihang与VoiceOfProfessor说:are there some tools for MDA,would
you like to recommend some?pleas write there names
(14:43:26)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Nucleus Bridgpoint
(14:44:04)*wwwangzhihang与VoiceOfProfessor说:3ks a lot
(14:45:44)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:we work on web project, Can I use UML and
(14:46:46)paul与*StephenJMellor说:Is there open source team work for MDA?
(14:48:30)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:How is the usage of Generating code from
UML model?
(14:48:51)[*umlchina_seminar]与*StephenJMellor说:*As a pioneer of Object
analysis & design, can you tell us your story?
(14:49:59)*wwwangzhihang与*StephenJMellor说:How about the efficiency of
the generated code?
(14:50:30)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:I think the idea of two level seperation
is very good,
(14:50:40)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:but I'm not very clear about what are
(14:50:55)VoiceOfProfessor与所有人说:belonging to your architecture issues,
could you give some examples?
(14:52:13)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Ed Yourdon; Larry Constantine;
(14:52:18)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Paul Ward
(14:53:16)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Sally Shlaer: Object-oriented analysis
(14:53:34)uml0512_711与*StephenJMellor说:Can you tell me some good skills
that I can extract the right class diagram from requirement?
(14:53:42)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Balcer: Executable UML
(14:54:48)uml0512_711与*StephenJMellor说:Any excellent books recommend?
(14:57:21)*rui0354与所有人说:Have you hotmail?
(14:57:34)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:MDA/; David Frankel
(14:58:14)michael_6与所有人说:do you think ECO of Borland is a good MDA solution?
(14:59:23)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Coping with changing requirements // embedded.com
(15:00:39)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:MellorSJ; steve@projtech.com
(15:01:20)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfProfessor说:Any more question?
(15:01:37)paul与*StephenJMellor说:how to keep the rules, in database? or
XML file.
(15:02:24)michael_6与所有人说:can MDA model for Web Service?
(15:03:04)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfProfessor说:OK! Let's thanks for professor's
excellent presentation.
(15:03:24)VoiceOfProfessor与*StephenJMellor说:Thank you very much:)
(15:03:33)[*umlchina_seminar]与*StephenJMellor说:thank you very much
(15:03:34)michael_6与所有人说:thank you very much
(15:03:42)*StephenJMellor与所有人说:Thank you
(15:03:43)*wwwangzhihang与*StephenJMellor说:thank you very very much ,sir